Natural History Photography
José Antonio Martínez, Tudela, Navarra
José Antonio es un fotoreportero especializado en historia natural, medio ambiente y otros temas relacionados con los ecosistemas y la cultura rural. Como naturalista comprometido con la conservación y el estudio de la vida silvestre, trabaja con especies en su medio, a menudo poco conocidas y comportamientos animales complejos de observar. La combinación entre el valor científico o documental con la visión artística de sus imágenes constituyen la base esencial de sus proyectos.
A lo largo de su carrera profesional, desde 1990, José Antonio ha publicado sus trabajos en todo el mundo a través de medios como National Geographic Magazine, Science, Geo, Paris Match, Terre Sauvage, Scenes of the Word, Terra y Pyrénées Magazine entre otros. A nivel nacional sus reportajes aparecen regularmente en El País Semanal y en la edición española de National Geographic, además de las principales revistas y semanales de los diarios de mayor difusión.
Autor de varios libros, ha colaborado en más de otro centenar de obras editoriales para Lunwerg, Planeta, RBA, Lynx Editions, Dorling Kindersley, NHML y Éditions Milan, entre otras. Además de su extenso trabajo editorial, José Antonio ha contribuido con sus imágenes en diferentes campañas de conservación de ONG’s como SEO/BirdLife o Ecologistas en Acción; institucionales del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y del Gobierno de Navarra; publicitarias para firmas como Nissan y Chiruca o ediciones filatélicas de Correos y boletos de Lotería Nacional para la Real Casa de la Moneda.
Sus fotografías han sido galardonadas en los más prestigiosos certámenes internacionales de Europa y Estados Unidos, entre otros el Wildlife Photographer of the Year, organizado por el Natural History Museum de Londres, el Big Pictures, de la California Academy of Sciences, en San Francisco, el GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, en Alemania o el ASFERICO, en Italia. Sus obras han formado parte de distintas exposiciones colectivas exhibidas en salas y museos de numerosas ciudades del mundo, incluyendo el Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, en Washington, y la sede de National Geographic, en Washington DC.
José Antonio Martínez, Tudela, Navarre - Spain
José Antonio is a photojournalist specializing in natural history, environment and other issues related to ecosystems and rural culture. As a naturalist committed to the conservation and study of wildlife, he works with species in their natural environment, species that are often little known, and also with animal behaviour difficult to observe. The combination of scientific or documentary value with the artistic vision of his images is the essential base of his projects.
Throughout his professional career, since 1990, José Antonio has published his work around the world including National Geographic Magazine, Science, Geo, Paris Match, Terre Sauvage, El País Semanal, Scenes of the Word, Terra and Pyrénées Magazine, among many others. As a naturalist, he has written numerous articles that have been published along with his photographs.
Author of several books, he has collaborated in more than a hundred editorial works for Lunwerg, Planeta, RBA, Lynx Editions, Dorling Kindersley, NHML and Éditions Milan, among others. In addition to his extensive editorial work, José Antonio has contributed with his images in different NGO conservation campaigns such as SEO / BirdLife or Ecologistas en Acción; of the Ministry of Environment of Spain and the Government of Navarre; advertising for companies such as Nissan and Chiruca or philatelic editions of Correos and National Lottery tickets for the Real Casa de la Moneda of Spain.
His photographs have been awarded at the most prestigious international competitions in Europe and the United States, including the Wildlife Photographer of the Year, organized by the Natural History Museum of London, Big Pictures, of the California Academy of Sciences, in San Francisco, the GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, in Germany or the ASFERICO, in Italy. His works have been part of different collective exhibitions exhibited in halls and museums in many cities around the world, including the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, in Washington, and the headquarters of National Geographic, in Washington DC.